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Policies & Equal Opportunities

The Fun Club and pre-school have clear policies regarding behaviour, special needs, child protection, outings, complaints and staff training, amongst others, which are displayed on the premises for parents to read. We recommend that the policies are read and adhered to. A copy of which is kept on the Pre-School premises, parents may ask to see this at ant time. All parents can request a copy to be emailed.

Norland pre-school works in accordance with all relevant legislation including:


Equal opportunities Act 2010.


We believe that the group’s activities should be open to all children and families, and to all adults committed to their welfare. We aim to ensure that all who wish to work in, or volunteer to help with the Norland Fun Club have an equal chance to do so.


At Norland pre-school we will always care for children in ways which are consistent with their family’s values and practices, and their carer’ expressed wishes (as far as possible within the policies of the authority).


A positive environment, which promotes a better knowledge and understanding of the world around us, includes children being aware of people’s differences. We aim to provide play and learning experiences which will encourage interaction between children and adults of different gender, abilities, social, cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds, in ways which are likely to promote the development of mutual understanding and respect. We will encourage children to celebrate many festivals from all around the world.

All other policies can be accessed in preschool.

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